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2024 PAC Elections

Warren Technical School

Dekalb County Schools

Media Center



Weekly Library Skills Activities
Book Check-Out In-Person and E-Books Available Online
DeKalb Public Library near your home: additional books and resources

The Warren Tech High School Library Media Program seeks to create a 21stcentury environment that promotes learning for all students by providing equitable access to information, teaching information literacy skills, and encouraging lifelong learning. The library media center strives to be a center of collaborative learning that produces creative students who have an appreciation of literature, critical thinking skills, and a respect for others and self.
 The mission of the Warren Tech High School Library is to provide students with the opportunity to become not only lifelong users of information, but also creators of information. The library will support the curriculum by collaborating with teachers, developing a collection that is representative of the community, and implementing literacy instruction for students.
Dr. Syette Rivers
Library Media Specialist

Debra Sawyer M.EDT
Library Media Assistant

 Hours: 8:30-1:30 ~ Monday - Friday.
Contact the Media Specialist for questions.

Warren Tech Has Ventured Into Digital Media 
Produced By LMA, Debra Sawyer. Anchored By Corlanda Shelby
Teaching students media skills to empower their journey into Media Production. 
Follow, Like & Subscribe: @WarrenTechnicalSchool



        Read eBooks
   E-Book App
*Contact the Media Specialist For login Instructions*

Check out hard copy books from the DeKalb Public Library near your home.

Warren Technical Media Center Handbook provides answers to policies, procedures, and frequently asked questions. 
Views of the Media Center:


Students enjoy Media Center Orientation with a scavenger hunt and a team building activity.
Students show off their DeKalb Public Library cards after a visit from our local DeKalb County Public Library.